Running 3 Times a Week for Weight Loss

Running 3 Times a Week for Weight Loss?

Estimated read time: 3 minutes.

Quick Answer

Running three times a week at a moderate pace for around 30 minutes can help you burn roughly 900 calories and lose one pound every four weeks. Remember that the number of calories you burn while running depends on your weight, pace, and terrain.

Many runners run for weight loss. And if you want to lose weight, running is an excellent way to do so. In fact, running is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories. But how often should you run?

For weight loss, aim to run three times per week. This frequency allows you to burn enough calories to see results without putting your body at risk of overtraining or injury. Plus, three runs per week give you enough time to rest and recover between workouts, which is critical when you’re trying to lose weight. 

Keep reading to learn more about how to make running part of a healthy weight loss plan.

How Many Calories Does Running Burn?

Running is a great way to burn calories and lose weight because it’s a high-intensity activity that uses both your upper and lower body. On average, a 155-pound person burns about 100 calories per mile when running at a moderate pace (about 10 minutes per mile). 

So, if you run three miles three times per week, you’ll burn roughly 900 calories. And since it takes 3,500 calories to lose one pound of body fat, this calorie deficit can help you lose one pound every four weeks or so. Of course, the number of calories you actually burn while running depends on several factors, including your weight, pace, and terrain. 

But as a general rule of thumb, plan on burning 100 calories per mile when running at a moderate pace. You also need to go over the recommended intake of calories to lose weight even more efficiently.

The Benefits of Running 3 Times Per Week

In addition to helping with weight loss, running has many other health benefits. For instance, running can:

  • Lower your risk of heart disease and stroke
  • improve your mental health
  • increase your lifespan
  • strengthen your bones and muscles
  • boost your immune system

All of these benefits are valuable when trying to lose weight since they can help make the process easier and improve your overall health at the same time. And by running three times per week, you’re more likely to stick with your running plan and reap these benefits in the long term.


If you’re trying to lose weight through running, aim to run three times per week. This frequency will allow you to burn enough calories for weight loss while also giving your body enough time to recover between workouts. Moreover, running has many other benefits that can help with weight loss, such as lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke and improving your mental health. So put on your shoes and hit the pavement three times a week for some serious weight-loss results.


Does running 3 times a week help with weight loss?

Yes! Running three times per week is an excellent way to lose weight. Not only does it help you burn calories and lose weight, but it also has many other health benefits.

What are some other benefits of running 3 times per week?

Some other benefits of running three times per week include improving your mental health, increasing your lifespan, and strengthening your bones and muscles.

How many calories does running burn?

Running burns 100 calories per mile on average. However, the number of calories you actually burn while running depends on several factors, including your weight, pace, and terrain.

How long does it take to see results from running 3 times a week?

You can expect to see results from running three times per week within a few months. However, the amount of time it takes to see results will vary depending on how much weight you want to lose.

How many miles should I run each time?

There is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on your goals, fitness level, and how much time you have to devote to running. However, a good rule of thumb is to run three to five miles per session three times per week.

What if I can’t run three times a week?

If you can’t run three times a week, try running two times per week or adding other forms of cardio to your workout routine. Remember, the key to success is consistency. So, even if you can only run once or twice a week, you’ll still see results as long as you’re consistent with your workouts.

Joseph Peele