Is Running 10 Miles Every Day Too Much?

Is Running 10 Miles Every Day Too Much?

Estimated read time: 8 minutes.

As soon as we begin participating in trail running, we are exposed to wild tales of ultramarathoners. I find it amusing how casually seasoned trail runners toss around the phrase “10-mile easy run.” However, when I started as a trail runner, I wondered if running 10 miles daily was too much. 

Running 10 miles daily will be too much for most beginner runners due to the risk of overuse injuries. On the other hand, seasoned ultra-distance experienced runners will have the endurance fitness level to do back-to-back 10-mile runs with less risk of injury.

You’ve reached a thrilling halfway point in your running ability career if you’re thinking of running 10 miles daily. You’ve come a long way since you first started running; at this point, you’ve likely completed races like the 5K, 10K, and perhaps the half or full marathon.

You are now prepared to take on a fresh challenge and try something out of the ordinary. Many experienced runners who challenge themselves to run 10 miles daily see it as the start of a quest or inner journey.

A daily running distance of 10 miles (16.1 kilometers) will refine your running journey abilities to the point where you’ll be ready to take on any running form or challenge, even ultramarathons (more on how to avoid injuries, exhaustion, and burnout below).

Let’s examine whether or not ten miles of trail running every day is too much for you and how you might gradually increase your distance to run further without risking injury.

Those just starting to run should limit themselves to no more than three runs each week of up to thirty minutes each. Eventually, a runner has the fortitude to complete long-distance runs of up to 10 miles. Overuse injuries are more likely when running longer distances frequently.

How Long Does It Take To Run 10 Miles

In the 45-50 minutes range, seasoned national-level competitors can cover 10 miles daily. It takes new runners anywhere from 120 to 150 minutes to cover 10 miles daily. Some things that can slow you down on a 10-mile run include hills, path technicality, and temperature. Your ability and fitness level will determine how long it takes you to run 10 miles.

What Does Running 10 Miles Do To Your Body

You may improve your strength and endurance as a world-class runner by putting in the work to run 10 miles. Even if you’re not used to utilizing fat as fuel, you can start doing so at around the 10-miles mark.

If we start running 10 miles, most of us will eventually use up all the glycogen in our muscles and blood and begin to venture into the exciting world of fat-burning as a fuel source.

In addition, running 10 miles will boost your strength and endurance because it is the type of distance that leads to muscle adaption and makes you an experienced runner. That is, assuming you can consistently cover such long distances.

That being said, if you want to become a better runner and increase your endurance, try running 10 miles. This fitness adaptation will occur if you give yourself enough time to recover between 10-mile runs and have a firm grasp on your eating and drinking habits throughout the runs.

Benefits Of Running 10 Miles A Week: How Running Improves Your Health

Build Stronger Bones

Due to osteoporosis, bones lose density, become brittle, and are likelier to break during seemingly innocuous tasks like walking or bending over. After about ten years, the human body completely replaces its skeleton through bone reabsorption and bone formation. But as we age, the rate at which this occurs slows down. While there is currently no way to stop this from happening, research suggests that excessive exercise can assist slow the process by contributing to developing stronger bones.

Good For The Heart

In other words, running is a great aerobic workout. The most beneficial form of exercise for the cardiovascular system is the sort that involves the repetitive contraction of big muscle groups. A healthier heart will be able to circulate blood and oxygen more effectively.

Good For Mental Health

Few people realize that running 10 miles a week has terrific positive effects on mental health, even if many people know about the physical benefits, such as a slimmer figure or bigger leg muscles. WebMD claims that this causes the body to release endorphins and serotonin.

Prevent Osteoarthritis (Especially In The Joints And Knees)

Some people worry that this exercise will lead to knee and joint problems like runners’ knees or arthritis because runners frequently report feeling pain in these areas. However, despite common assumptions, running is not harmful to your knees or other joints.

According to a 2017 study published in the Arthritis Care & Research Journal (6), running does not raise the incidence of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, contrary to popular belief. Over 74,000 people took part in a study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise that found runners, especially those who logged greater distances, had a 50% lower risk of developing knee osteoarthritis than non-runners.

Is Running 10 Miles A Week Good? Risks Of Running Too Much

Running 10 miles each week may seem like a breeze compared to the mileage of professional runners and ultramarathoners, which can rack up as much as 120 and 150 miles per week. It may inspire you to push yourself to the limit every time out. This level of commitment is admirable, but it may be too strenuous for your body initially, especially during the first few weeks.

The main danger of running 10 miles a week, in general, is overtraining. Overtraining syndrome is a condition that develops when a person (an athlete or otherwise)is training excessively and repeatedly without giving their body a chance to recover. Overtrainers are the stubborn types that keep going at it even when they’re exhausted, even though doing so has been linked to various adverse outcomes like burnout and diminished performance.

When jogging 10 miles per week, some warning indications of overtraining include; decreased performance and plateaued progress. Odd aches and pains in the muscles after a workout, a diminished appetite, trouble falling or staying asleep, and a general inability to relax are all symptoms of something more sinister. Indifference and a lack of drive Moodiness

How Long Will It Take Me To Lose 10 Pounds Running 9 Miles A Week?

It could take 5-10 weeks of exercise and healthy calorie restriction to drop 10 pounds. Losing 1-2 pounds per week is the recommended minimum for healthy weight loss. The extra weight is probably just water.

How much weight will you lose running 10 miles a week?

Suppose you run a mile while training; you can expect to burn about 100 calories. In this case, 10 miles weekly will result in a calorie burn of 1000. As you might expect, you’ll expend more calories running uphill and fewer calories jogging downhill. 

When we run faster, not only do we cover a mile in less time/speed, but we also burn more calories each minute.

Is It Too Much to Run 10 Miles Every Day?

Running 10 miles every day without stopping leaves your body with no time to recover ( I know resting can be difficult for avid runners). Additionally, running 10 miles puts a lot of stress on the lower body, and if you haven’t prepared your body (especially your bones) for the stress, you increase the risk of injury.

4 Benefits of Running 10 Miles a Day

Weight loss 

One of the most well-liked aerobic activities, running 10 miles a day is excellent for losing calories and reducing weight (tip: sweating doesn’t burn calories on its own). Running, intense physical activity, and weight lifting, are excellent for weight loss because it is one of the most calorie-efficient activities.

Remember that pushing yourself to run 10 miles daily is a fantastic way to test your limits as a runner and grow as an athlete.

Builds up muscles 

Every day of running 10 miles or fewer is an excellent approach to gaining muscle mass and strength. Jogging can aid muscle gain and strength enhancement if you also eat a protein-rich diet to fuel your workouts.

Running 10 miles daily also helps build strength in your abdominals, upper body, lower body, arms, and shoulders. Bone density can be increased through running or jogging, as well, according to research.

As your running mileage grows, so does your body’s hormone production, which encourages bone growth.

Increases endurance 

Consistent running is a great way to improve your fitness and stamina. Simply said, if you run 10 kilometers at least three or four times a week, you will see a change in your physique.

Staying balanced is the most important thing you can do. Take a break from your training and give Joggo’s Runners & Burners supplement a try if you’re feeling worn out from your runs. Then, catch your breath, gear up, and hit the road again, as running is an excellent kind of endurance training program.

Increased energy levels

Like any other form of cardiovascular exercise, running 10 miles daily can boost energy and keep you going strong all day long.

However, how exactly does it accomplish that?

Feel-good endorphins and other hormones are released while both walking and running. These continue to give you a jolt of energy even after your workout is complete.

Runner’s high describes this euphoria caused by a sudden surge of endorphins. Long-distance running tends to release endorphins.

3 Drawbacks of Running 10 Miles Every Day

 It might be boring

It’s possible that Running 10 miles a day would become tedious. Boredom and a lack of motivation will set in sooner rather than later if you don’t switch things around, whether that’s your surroundings, your jogging routes, or your end goal.

Relax; this is entirely typical. You’re looking to mix things up by exploring new running routes. It is possible that running in a different part of your city can make you feel less bored and more excited about your training.

You’re bound to get bored if you run the same daily route. If you switch things up every few months, you might even see an improvement in your running skills.

Possibility of injuries

You increase your risk of overuse injury when you run for a long time. As a result, you risk burnout and injury if you run 10 kilometers daily.

A daily 10-mile jog does not give your body enough rest. You aren’t letting your muscles recover between sets.


It takes time to recover from chafing, which can significantly detract from your running performance.

Even if you take a break from jogging, you may still find discomfort when you start up again.

Nipples and inner thighs are only two of the strange places where chafing commonly occurs. Chafing can be avoided by simply wearing longer shorts or a pair of compression shorts under your regular running shorts.

As an added precaution, you can lessen the damage friction causes to your skin by applying a moisturizer or a hyperallergic balm. And finally, if you want to avoid chafing when jogging, ensure your gear is snug against your body.

Tips That Will Help You With a 10-Mile Run

Stretch before and after the run

Stretching before and after every run is an excellent approach to improving your running endurance.

Because stretched muscles are more mobile and flexible, they are less likely to suffer an injury. Furthermore, stretching lessens muscle soreness the day after a run.

Choose a comfortable running gear

Choosing comfortable gear like moisture-wicking clothes or spandex to prevent chafing and running equipment will be beneficial. In addition, if you invest in a nice pair of running shoes, you won’t have to worry about foot pain and will have a better grip on the ground.

Practice shorter distances before a 10-mile run

If running 10 miles is too challenging, try cutting your runs down to 5 or 8 miles at a faster pace.

Joseph Peele